FAQ - Financing your development - GPS Development Finance


GPS specialise in funding residential unit and townhouse construction projects in South East Queensland with a minimum loan size of $5 million. We may consider a project that is commercial, industrial or retail if the parties are known to GPS.

GPS funds loans starting at $5 million. Unfortunately we do not do loans for less than $5M

Unfortunately, GPS do not fund land subdivisions. Historically our investors have shown no interest in land subdivisions as an investment product.

GPS are not preoccupied with a project requiring pre-sales. We are more interested in seeing a well formed marketing strategy to demonstrate the product’s saleability.

The guarantees required depend on the structure of the borrowing entity. Generally, guarantees may be sought from any party with a financial interest in the project (i.e. directors, shareholders, unit holders etc.)

GPS is a first mortgage lender and does not provide mezzanine finance. We typically fund up to 64.99% of the GRV (excl. of GST), or up to 69.99% for well-performing, repeat borrowers.

If required for your project, we have a panel of mezzanine funders we can work with to create a deal that works for you.

All loans are secured by a registered first mortgage over the property, a General Security Agreement and guarantees as appropriate. GPS requires a first ranking mortgage over the subject site and registration of a PPSR interest over the borrower’s assets.

Yes! Interest and line fees are capitalised within the loan. This allows borrowers to free up their project cashflow. Subsequently, when lots are sold, we use the proceeds to pay down the construction facility leaving the final lots for the developer’s profit.

We do not charge early repayment fees (provided the loan term exceeds six months).

GPS requires an initial feasibility and development plans. A valuation and/or a quantity surveyor report is also useful.

How much will it cost?

GPS is all about flexibility. We work with developers to create a customised deal that meets your needs and expectations. Contact us today to start the process.

We also recommend reading articles by our Managing Director, Richard Woodhead, on the cost of funding your development.

Funding your development
Need more info?

Didn’t find the answer you were looking for in our FAQ? Contact us to discuss your finance options on 1800 999 109 or lending@gpsinvest.com.au.

If you want to know more about the kind of projects GPS funds, the best demonstration is our list of current and completed projects. View our ‘Projects’ page for more information.

Our projects